ICAPS Rome 2013

Workshops Cfp

Call for Workshop Proposals (Deadline expired)

This call in .pdf

The Organizing Committee for the 23rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2013) invites proposals for its Workshop Program. The workshops are intended to provide a forum to discuss research advances on a selected topic in an informal setting, and to promote dissemination and collaboration on new P&S challenges.

The Workshop Program will consist of several concurrent workshops to be held two days before the plenary sessions of the conference. The registration for the Workshop Program is free for the ICAPS participants.

The preferred length for a workshop is one full day, but half-day workshops may be accepted if justified. The format of the workshop is open, and may include oral presentations, talks by invited speakers, a poster session, a demo session, and others activities. Workshop chairs are encouraged to take initiatives that foster interaction and debate within the community.

Proposals in all areas related to AI planning and scheduling are welcome. However, we particularly encourage proposals for workshops that promote building bridges to other research communities working with similar technologies (e.g., verification, diagnosis, OR) or on related application problems (e.g., robotics, or security).

The Proposal

Workshop proposals should be no more than 3 pages, and should provide:

- A description of the workshop topic.

- A brief discussion of why the topic is of interest to ICAPS at this  time, and why the topic is not adequately addressed by other meetings  or conferences.

- A brief description of the proposed workshop length (if other than one  day) and format. Innovative formats, that aim to increase opportunities  for discussion and interaction, are encouraged.

- Names and full contact information for the organizing committee, plus  short descriptions of their relevant expertise. Strong proposals include  organizers who bring differing perspectives to the workshop topic and who  are actively connected to the communities of potential participants.

- An estimate of the expected number of workshop speakers (including invited,  presenters, panelists, etc) and the expected number of workshop attendees.  Optionally, a list of proposed attendees that have indicated potential  (non-binding) interest.

The organizers of accepted workshop proposals are responsible for:

* Producing a Call for Participation (CfP), and contributing materials for  setting up a web page for the workshop, by December 15th, 2012. The Web  page and the CFP will be linked to the ICAPS 2013 Web site.

* Additional publicity, such as distributing the CFP to relevant newsgroups  and electronic mailing lists, and especially to potential audiences outside  the ICAPS community.

* Organizing an effective review process for submissions and issuing  invitations to participate in the workshop. No specific submission or  notification dates are mandated for workshops (apart for producing the  list of accepted papers by April 22nd, 2013), but we will make a
suggestion for a uniform set of dates later.

* Formulating the detailed technical program for the workshop and making it  available to be uploaded on the ICAPS 2013 Web site well in advance of the  conference. A list of accepted papers for the workshop should be ready to  be placed on the web site by April 22nd, 2013.

* Assembling a camera-ready copy for the workshop proceedings in close  interaction with the Workshop Program Chairs. The workshop proceedings  will be made available on the ICAPS 2013 web site. If provided sufficiently  well in advance it maybe also be possible to place workshop proceedings on  the electronic proceedings distributed to conference participants. The  details will be announced at a later date.

Submission Procedure

Workshop proposals should be submitted by email, in plan text or in PDF, to both the Workshop Chairs with subject “Workshop Proposal for ICAPS-13” no later than October, 29th 2012.
Organizers will be notified by email of the acceptance or rejection of their proposal by November 19th, 2012.

Summary of Important Dates

* Deadline for submission of proposals: October 29th, 2012.
* Notification of acceptance: November 19th, 2012.
* Workshop Call for Papers and material for the  web site: December 15th, 2012.
* List of accepted papers on the web site:  April 22nd, 2013.
* Workshops dates: June 10th and 11th, 2013.

Workshop Program Chairs

* Gabriella Cortellessa (CNR – Italian National Research Council, ISTC, Italy)

* Patrik Haslum (The Australian National University & NICTA)