ICAPS Rome 2013

Application Showcase

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The Application Showcase program at ICAPS 2013 provided an opportunity for planning and scheduling researchers and practitioners to demonstrate their state-of-the-art implementations in action. This event allowed the ICAPS community to experience some of the latest contributions to the field, while broadening the reach of novel methods (check the Call for Participation page).


Best Application Showcase Award

Authoring Plan-based Narratives via a Social Network
Julie Porteous, Fred Charles and Marc Cavazza

The Award for the Best Application was chosen by the ICAPS 2013 participants through a ballot. The Award was sponsored by IBM Research.


Other accepted demos

Post-Optimizing Individual Activity Plans through Local
Anastasios Alexiadis and Ioannis Refanidis

Autonomous Search and Tracking via Temporal Planning
Sara Bernardini, Maria Fox, Derek Long and John Bookless

VisPlan – Interactive Visualisation and Verification of Plans
Radoslav Glinský and Roman Bartak

Model-Based Architecture on the ESA 3DROV simulator
Pablo Muñoz and Maria D. R-Moreno

Plan-Based Social Interaction with a Robot Bartender
Ron Petrick and Mary Ellen Foster

A generic constraint-based local search library for the management of an electromagnetic surveillance space mission
Cédric Pralet, Guillaume Infantes and Gérard Verfaillie

Integrated Operations (Re)Scheduling from Mine to Ship
Kameshwaran Sampath, Alfiya Tezabwala, Alain Chabrier, Julian Payne and Fabio Tiozzo

Coordinating Maintenance Planning under Uncertainty
Joris Scharpff, Matthijs Spaan, Leentje Volker and Mathijs De Weerdt

Hypothesis Exploration for Malware Detection using Planning
Shirin Sohrabi, Octavian Udrea and Anton Riabov


Program chairs

  • Nicola Policella – ESA-ESOC (Germany), nicola.policella (AT) esa.int
  • Nilufer Onder – Michigan Technological University (USA), nilufer (AT) mtu.edu